Buried post and footing vs pier
Is it ok to bury the post with the footings? What does building a pier do?
Answer:The most common post materials are wood and steel. Both of these materials do not react well with dirt and water. By installing any post on top of footing and buried beneath the ground surface will expose it to moisture and dirt which will greatly reduce its design life. For that reason it always best to build a concrete pier from top of the footing that will extend above the ground level. From above the pier are anchor bolts, simpson post base or something similar that will support the post.
The other approach is to install the post on top of the footing and then build a pier to enclose the portion of the post beneath the surface protecting it from water.
Both approaches should work, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes installing the post and then build the pier enclosure is the only option other times it works the opposite way but try to avoid burying post without concrete encasement. The unintended consequences of a rotten post can be catastrophic. If its a fence post it will less likely to affect anything very much. If the post is for a structure tall enough that can cause harm to others and properties, it is best to have a concrete pier.
For pier forms go to
concrete form
sonotube and fast tube are great and easy way to form piers.
Hope this helps
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