Precast Column and Foundation

by Fadzil
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


Is there any problem encountered before/during/after precast is being installed?

Hi Fadzil,

Without knowing the type of problem(s), it is difficult to have a specific answer to this matter.

Generally speaking, precast is no different from steel, wood, masonry, cast in place concrete, etc in that they should not have any problem before/during/after installation.

Should there be problems the possibilities of the cause can be anyone's guess. That's why coordination between all parties involved are extremely critical from beginning to end in order to pin point the cause of problems if and when they appear.

Suppose the problem is the elevation of the precast column is too high or too low. The first thing to check are the shop drawings to verify if the height per plans are accurate. This will require checking if the fabrications were correct as well.

If everything in the precast column are correct, it is time to check the foundation elevations, followed by footings, excavations & compactions elevations. All of these can contribute to the elevation problems of the precast column.

Another thing to look in to is the water content of the soil. Suppose the foundations were prepped and poured during winter or wet season but the precast columns were installed during the dry summer months. These can cause high or low column elevation.

Should the precast column was connected to the foundation with stub pier or something similar, it is a good idea to check if the column had adequate temporary supports during the prep and pour of the stub pier and that there was enough time allowed for the new stub to cure prior to releasing the temporary supports. If these were not followed, it can cause problems.

Hope this help

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