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Roof Framing Process![]() The race to roof framing is top priority of every framer that work on timber frame homes or wooden frame houses. But to begin the roof joist or roof truss installation, framing floors and framing walls come first because both of these elements are required to support the roof, important step in framing a house The reason why framing the roof is such a high priority in all house framing project is due to the critical path which link critical activities that lead to early completion of the project.Such activities as insulation, drywall, flooring, and painting among others cannot start without an assurance that weather will not damage the work. So the longer it takes for the roof to be installed, the longer it will take for the project to complete.
If any of these (plumb, level, square) is out of line, not only it will affect roof slope and outward appearance, it will be extremely difficult to correct without removing the roof frames and start over. Once the walls are ready to receive the trusses it is time to verify the truss plan provided by truss manufacturer. Make sure each truss goes to its intended location as noted on the plan. It is important to do all the preplanning and maneuvering of the trusses on the ground especially if there is no boom truck or crane to aide in lifting. ![]() The next step is cut truss blocking 22.5 inches long, truss spacing less thickness of truss. The truss spacing is normally 24 inches on center with 2x4 truss members. It is much easier to use truss blocking as your spacing rather than a layout on the wall or you can do both to verify. Some framers prefer to install truss using layout on the wall and then install blocking later. From experience it is much easier to install blocking and the truss simultaneously. The blocking will not only make nailing of the truss much easier, blocking will also prevent truss rolling. The process of roof truss installation starts from one corner by installing the gable or end truss first. You maneuver the truss into place nail it to the wall and nail the blocking to both the gable truss and the wall. The next truss will butt in to the end of the 2x blocking and nail it as you go. For small structure less than 20 ft truss span, you need at least 2 people 3 will be best to install trusses, if windy you nee more people to help. Each end of the truss needs one person to hold and nail, a third person on the floor to aid in holding up the truss. Back to roof framing |