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Shed Foundation Design IdeasShed foundation holds the key to the stability of sheds. If you need shed design ideas, shed foundations ideas, or construction ideas related to sheds, all-concrete-cement.com has the expertise to assist you. Shed designs as well as drafting shed plans are fun to do and they can be done with very little assistance. By putting your ideas on a sketch, it will open your minds to other possibilities, that how design works.Based on my experiences, the best way to learn construction is to learn how to interpret blueprints or construction plans. All architects and engineers learned construction when they create plans. The shed footing and foundation details here can also be used for
home foundation.
![]() Learning how to put your ideas into shed plans you will be on your way to master the construction trade. As a matter of fact most small concrete contractors do not know how to read plans I have run into a lot of them. I have met a lot of people that had been doing concrete work 20+ years with no idea how to read blueprints. If your concrete contractor shows no interest in looking at your plans you have all the reasons not to hire him. The details and building sections shown here are examples from sheds that I had design, drafted, and constructed. I had constructed sheds using various building materials such as wood, structural steel, glulam, precast concrete, and of course cast in place concrete. All of the sheds that I had designed or constructed were supported by concrete footings and foundations, thickened edge slab, and curb walls as shown on details 7, 8, 9.
It is not uncommon for clients during construction to change their mind as far as the usage of their shed. Some changed from a single story shed to a garage with second floor storage. Others started with 8 feet high wall, and later changed to 14 feet high to accommodate a garage for an RV. Yet some changed an idea that started with building a shed to constructing pavilions, the possibilities are endless and this website can help you bring your imaginations to reality. Design-built projects are especially fun to do if you know how to create plans and do the actual construction. My abilities to draw details create plans along with actual field experiences of constructing things such as sheds, garages, houses, office buildings, casinos, hotels are very unique and I am ready and willing to share with you these experiences.
Details 7 and 8 show the shed foundation as thicken concrete edge or a turn down slab. Depending on local codes, these details can be used to support a second floor. Additionally, these details can be used in areas where the ground is subjected to freezing but your local city building officials need to approve them first prior to construction. To convince your neighbor that you didn’t intentionally send your shed after him during high wind, install hold downs - details 7 & 8 give you that flexibility. Figure 3 is a building section where detail 7 or 8 can be used.
Asphalt floor will also work with detail 9. You pour the foundation, laydown the asphalt and build your shed. Depending on the size of the shed, the asphalt can be laydown after the shed is built. Going the wood floor route will require detail 9 to be manipulated a little so you can run your floor beams on top of the concrete curb wall shown. Constructing concrete foundation sheds will provide lots of flexibilities should the usage of the shed change or additional level is added. Back to shed foundation |